HorseSensing Board Member at Large
Traci Titus
HorseSensing Board Secretary
I am a retired Science teacher and when I met Sally in January 2022, I was immediately interested in the work she is doing with our Veterans. I was invited out for a visit and I got to meet all of the horses and residents on the farm. I felt a connection to Sally on that first day. When you meet someone with the same values as you, it can be life changing. I knew I had the time to volunteer but never considered seeking it out. The opportunity literally came to me!
I get way more than I give as a volunteer with HorseSensing. It gives me a sense of purpose and peace to work along side others with the same giving heart. Being with horses can clear the noise in your head that life sometimes brings and I value my time there so much. From grooming horses to planning and working events, I get so many opportunities here. At the end of the day, I am happily tired, sometimes dirty and always grateful for my time spent on the farm.
Tracy Cottrell
HorseSensing Board President
Tracy Cottrell is an experienced business executive, with expertise in HR, Administration and Finance. She has worked with large corporations, as well as smaller companies and startup businesses. Her focus is helping organizations develop and work through the challenges of growth. Her most recent corporate position was as CAO of Grammer Logistics.
As the Founder of Cottrell Coaching & Consulting and a Certified Equus Coach, she fully understands the HorseSensing mission and is passionate about supporting the organization in any way she can. She loves all animals, but horses are a particular favorite. Volunteering for events and spending time with the HorseSensing herd, whether in the barn or out in the pastures, have become favorite activities!
Tina Warren
HorseSensing Board Member at Large
Tina Warren is a retired Air Force veteran. She grew up with horses and has a soft spot for all animals. Tina has been an avid volunteer for years and is a big veteran supporter. Her superpower is fundraising! She enjoys photography and loves to cook. She has two self-published cookbooks, Small Woman Big Sweet Tooth and Small Women Big Skillet.
Tina lives in Central Kentucky with her husband and dogs.
HorseSensing’s programs and community involvement are right up my alley. I enjoy working with this dedicated team!
Rena Elswick
HorseSensing Board Vice President
Rena was born and raised in Greenup, Kentucky. Her first exposure to horses was when she was a small girl. Her grandfather and uncles were horse traders. She used to sneak off to the county fair and tell the old guys in the stables who her grampa was and they would let her rider their horses, unbeknownst to her parent. As an adult Ms. Elswick became involved with Quarter Horses, riding Western Pleasure, Barrel Racing, English, Hunter and Jumper, and Halter. Ms. Elswick was appointed to the Kentucky harness racing commission and eventually became the first female harness racing (USTA) judge in Kentucky and one of the few in the nation. In the last 10 years, Ms. Elswick has expanded her equine horizons with American Saddlebred horses, regularly attending clinics to hone her skills in this area.
Ms. Elswick believes in the mission of HorseSensing. She also has a personal reason for wanting to be involved-Her son is a successful recovering addict.