
Frequently asked questions


90-Day HS Gromming Education, Certification and Job Placement Program

  • Who can participate? Veterans, people in recovery from substance use, at risk youth and adults, trauma victims, domestic violence victims, formerly incarcerated adults and youth over 18. Others on a case by case basis.
  • What does it cost? Nothing for participants but we would like referring partners to contribute towards expenses.The program will be funded mostly by donation from private foundations,grants and our own fundraising events held through the year.


Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy

  • Length of Sessions-

For individual work- 1 Hour 

  • Cost- $150   (No cost for Veterans, people in recovery from substance use, at risk youth and adults, trauma victims, domestic violence victims)
  • Prices are available upon request for the following:

     Packages of 4 Sessions 
     Packages of 8 Sessions 


Equus and Psyche Personal Development and Leadership Groups- 2 Hours

Prices for Services-$100 per person (4 person minimum)

Treatment Center Equine therapy services available upon request.

Equus and Psyche Equine Therapy Training for psychotherapists-

Cost for Half Day, Full Day and 2 and 3 day Intensives will be determined on an individual basis.

Email for more information

All proceeds go to support HorseSensing no cost programs






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